About Nazi Bank and Financial Institutions: U.S. Military Government Investigation Reports and Interrogations of Nazi Financiers, 1945-1949
Description: These collections consist of memorandums, letters, cables, balance sheets, reports, exhibits, newspaper clippings, and civil censorship intercepts on: the financing of the German war effort and German financial institutions; reports on Nazi gold, the use of Swiss banks, and links between German and Swiss banks, inclusive of Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Golddiskontbank, Dresdner Bank, and Reichs-Kredit-Gesellschaft; information regarding Aryanization, bank operations outside of Germany, industrial ties, liquidation proposals, and the restitution of Hungarian property; records concerning agricultural cooperatives; denazification of German finance personnel; an interrogation report of Hjalmar Schacht, the former Reichsminister of Economics and Plenipotentiary for the War Economy; a report on the operations of I.G. Farben AG; plans for the seizure of Reich ministerial records called "Operation Goldcup"; information relating to fiscal conditions in former German-occupied countries; report of banking in the Soviet Zone; documentation on investigations of Bernhard Berghaus, Alois Alzheimer, August von Finck, Eduard Hilgard, Kurt Schmitt, and Franz Schwede-Coburg; and, files relating to Carlowitz & Company and Japanese firms operating in Germany.

Dates of Coverage: 1945-1949

Concurrent Users: unlimited

Other info: always proxy off-campus, provides full text

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