Graham Building opened. It was named in 1971 for Frank Porter Graham, President of the Consolidated University of North Carolina from 1930-1949.
McNutt Building opened. It was named in 1972 for Franklin Holbrook McNutt, head of the School of Education and the dean of the Graduate School from 1941-1958.
Students elected the first male Student Government Association (SGA) president, Lindsay Lamson.
The Curry School closed.
The Residential College was organized as a program devoted to unifying social and academic life.
Saturday classes were abandoned.
December - The Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity began the annual tradition of lining the walkways and driveways on campus with luminaries.
The name of the Anna M. Gove Infirmary was changed to the Anna M. Gove Student Health Center.
The Gray Home Management House opened in Peabody Park. It served as a laboratory for home economics majors for six week periods.