About Counseling and Psychotherapy Transcripts
Description: Counseling and Psychotherapy Transcripts, Client Narratives, and Reference Works is a landmark database that contains more than 2,000 transcripts of actual therapy sessions, 44,000 pages of client narratives and 25,000 pages of major reference works. There are diaries, letters, autobiographies, oral histories, and personal memoirs along with the full text of therapy and counseling sessions themselves. All accounts are non-fiction, delivered in the first person and, where possible, contemporaneous. This collection has been years in the making and, to our knowledge, is the first of its kind. Never before has a collection of transcripts of actual therapy sessions, recorded by a variety of practitioners and academics illustrating a range of therapeutic techniques and practices, been brought together and made searchable. The pairing of these transcripts with associated reference works and published narratives, memoirs, and other client narratives enhances the collection's ability to provide insight into the experience of those undergoing therapy and suffering from mental illness. The compiling of such a new collection presents its own set of challenges, including the important issues of consent and confidentiality and the protection of those clients whose therapy sessions are recorded here. We have worked closely with members of the counseling and psychological community, both on our editorial board and our contributors and potential contributors, to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to protect clients. Contributing practitioners ensure that appropriate consent for publication and research has been obtained before any transcripts are made available for the collection. Furthermore, working with practitioners and academics, we have developed a set of standards and practices for anonymizing transcripts of therapy sessions, and the contributing practitioner approves the edits before the transcripts are published in the database. Users are advised that while we have taken these precautions to protect the identities of the clients undergoing counseling and therapy, the material in this collection is very sensitive and should be treated as such. Some of the counseling and therapy session transcripts included in the collection were transcribed by the therapists themselves for their records or as part of clinical research studies. Others were transcribed as part of this project by professional transcriptionists, trained both in transcription techniques and in standards of confidentiality. The sessions themselves have been recorded in a variety of formats, including video, reel-to-reel tape, analogue cassette, and digital formats. As is usually the case when dealing with older recordings, in some cases, audibility of the speakers is sometimes an issue. Our policy is not to transcribe any session that is more than ten percent inaudible. For this reason, in some cases, series of counseling and therapy sessions may be missing sessions. If a series is missing any sessions due to inaudibility, the sessions that are excluded will be noted in the series record.

Concurrent Users: unlimited

Other info: always proxy off-campus, provides full text

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