Diversity at The University Libraries

Imageof woman in wheelchair

What Do We Mean by Diversity?

Diversity Resources Page

University Libraries defines diversity as the vibrant variety of human characteristics that combine to shape each one of us. These characteristics include not only the familiar categories of race, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation, but also: age, cognitive style, disability, economic, educational and geographic background, languages spoken, marital status, political affiliation, religious beliefs and more.

Valuing diversity means recognizing that we are all shaped by numerous and varied factors, making each of us uniquely qualified to contribute to the collective goal of the libraries -- to serve the diverse information needs of our diverse user groups.

Visit the UNCG Libraries Diversity and Inclusion Blog

UNCG Libraries Diversity Strategic Plan 2014-2019

Diversity in Context

The University Libraries’ interest in diversity is supported by trends in the field of professional librarianship, demographic realities, and university-wide goals. The American Library Association has implemented an Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services; the Association of Research Libraries has also established a focus area of diversity and inclusion; and other university libraries across the country are recognizing the need to recruit and train a more diverse workforce. According to the latest United States census, the state of North Carolina continues to grow in cultural diversity, as do Guilford County and the city of Greensboro. Furthermore, UNCG has established the Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion to "nurture a campus community that reflects and embraces the increasing diversity of North Carolina."

Diversity Residency

Diversity Alliance LogoThe UNCG University Libraries have established a two-year diversity residency in order to foster a new librarian’s professional growth while investing in the libraries’ commitment to diversity. In the first year of the program, the resident will work in three functional areas and thus gain valuable experience in multiple service areas of academic librarianship. In the second year of the program, the resident will choose one service area upon which to focus. The resident will also participate in diversity initiatives for both the library and the university. Learn more about our Diversity Residency.

University Libraries Diversity Committee

The UNCG University Libraries established a permanent diversity committee, charged with ensuring a library environment that is receptive to staff and user diversity, and supportive of diversity in the curriculum and other areas across campus. Activities of this committee include: performing climate surveys; compiling multicultural resource guides; hosting events related to diversity; and encouraging staff participation in diversity workshops and events hosted by other units and institutions.

For more information on the Libraries Diversity Committee, contact Committee Chair Gerald Holmes.