Steve Cramer

Business Librarian

Steve Cramer

After the Ruins, 1906 and 2006 - Rephotographing the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire by Mark Klett et al

I considered choosing a book relevant to my academic areas of interest (business research, information technology, usability studies). But this engaging book reflects a hobby my wife (also a librarian) and I enjoy pursuing. Our rephotographic target is Old Salem and downtown Winston-Salem, where we live. Figuring out where an old photo was taken often requires using research tools like Digital Sanborn Maps and old Polk city directories, as well as legwork and attention to physical clues we see. Sometimes we get funny looks from passers-by as we scrutinize a building, empty lot, or street with old photos and maps in hand. You have to be careful now days when rephotographing government buildings not to get grilled by security guards!